
I suffer from ___. Will you help?

We don’t provide medical or psychological advice. Please DO NOT replace your prescribed medication or any other form of treatment without first consulting your physician. We advise you to seek qualified medical attention for all medical conditions.

Does Your music work immediately?

Usually, the effects begin to take place after your first audio session. They may be subtle at first and increasingly noticeable over the following weeks. 4-6 weeks of daily listening should be enough to notice the benefits.

How to Listen?

Find a comfortable place where you can sit or lie down. Keep the volume soft and let the music fill your mind and body. You can also play the music during your daily activities. Avoid listening while driving or operating machinery.

Should I listen with headphones?

You can use speakers but headphones are recommended. We use various forms of brainwave technology and headphones are required to help you alter your brain waves. You can also hear amazing 3D audio enhancements, like binaural sounds and ASMR effects.

Why not just watch free YouTube videos?

YouTube is a great platform with thousands of meditation videos for casual use. However, each uploaded video is affected by YouTube audio compression which causes loss of harmonics. In comparison, our premium programs have full spectrum of harmonics for life-changing effects. We also offer a 365-day money back guarantee, no questions asked. You risk nothing.

can I download your audio on mobile devices?

You can directly download our audio files on most Android devices. That is not the case with Apple devices, since they do not allow downloads outside of iTunes. You must download music first to a computer (Mac, Pc, notebook) and then transfer to iPhone or iPad. Please read how to sync your iOS device.