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I am a Vibrational Intuitive Medium and I use these frequencies . They have been very helpful to clear my channels and I recommend them to my clients. Helpful, healthy and healing! Thank you!

Vibrational Intuitive Medium

I have been enjoying the sound bytes I have from you, I often listen to them during my Yoga practice, and find them very helpful. They are powerful and I can either feel transformational things happening or they are soothing and comforting, depending on which one I use. Thank you so much, I will stay tuned!

Visual artist

A few years ago I found your site and I got every audio you had available. Today I see you have some new titles and I ordered every single one I did not yet have. Why? Because over the past few years since I found your site for some reason your music is what I love and listen to far more than any other music. More importantly during those years since I found your site I have entirely changed my music library. I now ONLY listen to healing beneficial music and audios. Although there was conscious choice involved in making the changes to my music library, I also know for sure that at a deeper level than my conscious mind shifts and changes of awareness were inspired by listening to your music that combined with other knowledge I had about sound and music and produced a radical change in my behavior. It’s hard to put into words how profoundly grateful I am to have found your site and the music you have and the way you write about it on the site has also been very helpful. Peace. Love. Joy. Fun.

Personal Development Consultant

I have been using the frequencies and I have experienced some headaches, so I sparingly use it when it is absolutely needed. I will say something happened one night while I was laying down listening to the frequencies. It was like a projector of past experiences and people I have ever interacted with flashed before my eyes. (this has happened before but not at that pace) It was like my inner being, my core opened up and I cried so hard that night I mean hard.. Now I have always been a very reflective person, I am all about self awareness, open to learn alot about myself and continue to shed that which doesn’t work for me anymore to establish balance in my life. I will say that the frequencies are very useful to me when I am not choosing to connect with anyone’s issues and want to block out unwanted subconsciousness energy. I meditate, I also do yoga and have been a practitioner for some years now adding the frequencies to my space has been the added tool I needed to break through more crystallized energy. I have a desire to continue to work with balance in my life..focus, and excepting of my natural beautiful self. We are vibration, frequencies and we choose to disconnect,conditioned to disconnect from our core, higher self. I don’t believe in a believe system. I’m all about the knowing and what I don’t know (the unknown) I explore. That is the only way we can ever see our God selves and embrace that, we have separated from nature, nature us nature without anyone permission,procreates,reincarnates, recycles itself, we have lost that connection and my goal is maintain that hu in my spiritual self again. I really appreciate you sending these to me..I let me son listen to them and he truly enjoys the way his body mind and spirit feels afterwards.


I am most pleased to have come across `Charge FM´ site ! I first learnt about 432Hz tuning in 2008 when I started playing a couple of wooden recorders (a pentatonic one and a diatonic one) tuned at 432Hz at home and then at church in a moment called `Prayer in Chords´. Indeed, our Heavenly Father knew exactly what He was doing when decided to tune the whole Universe at 432Hz. Having had the gift of not only listening to but also playing these wind musical instruments in tune with the Cosmos has helped me to relax and breathe in and out more freely and lightly. Playing at church in this very special moment of `Prayer in Chords´ when people come in just to pray and listen to the music has been a mysterious healing moment. Some people have already told me that they could finally experience their prayers breaking the ceiling and reaching up to God. How I wish our whole musical world were tuned at 432Hz !

I almost went into a state of shock when I heard that I had won a set of Sofeggio tuning forks from Charge FM. Never did I expect to would win. I actually knew very little about how to use them and quickly went on line to learn some techniques. With just a little amount of knowledge I started asking friends if they had any pains. I didn’t know what to expect at first but as positive results started occurring on a regular basis I developed more confidence. The vibrations were helping with a variety of inflammatory, muscle and pain problems. I have a great amount of faith and believe that these tones were created for healing. The types of “hurts” that received relief varied. Here is a short list: arthritis in hips and shoulders, frozen arthritic toe, stiff neck, loss of strength in hand, spider bite infection, post fracture pain, post surgery pain etc. There have been so many now that I have difficulty remembering them all. The musical arrangements too have been successful in aiding my sleep patterns as well as in calming down agitated children. I love helping people and am so greatful that I was the receiver of this gift. Now I can help others.

I’m working as a sound therapist in Germany. Since 20 years I was working with 432Hz, but now I’m so much touched by the Love frequency 528Hz. It has really a strong and harmonizing effect on me. I tuned my soundmassagetable on 132Hz and it brings really harmony and love. First I was thinking solfeggio frequencies is only esoteric nonsens, but by making my own experiences, I could feel the power of 528Hz in my heart.

I began to meditate daily last year and found the Solfeggios as media with which to utilize. I felt I was launching from my physical experience and literally felt my body, on a biophysiological lavel, responding to the tone. I purchased a few tracks and introduced them to a meditation group I lead on Sundays at Journeys prior to our service. The group shared similar experiences with the tones and we have been utilizing them ever since. As a composer, and realizing that there was not much material available insofar as meditative pieces in the Solfeggio tones, I began to compose my own. Hence, the birth of the Solfeggio Shaman, a Registered Trademark and pseudonym for the recording artist of Solfeggio music. Many of the compositions are available on the Shaman’s Channel at YouTube, as well as my songwriter website (below). Some of these comositions have been published and/or signed at music libraries such as Jingle Punks, Music Supervisor and AudioSparxx. So, yes, discovering the Solfeggios has been a wonderful and much appreciated blessing in my journey.