
Approximately 19 % of electricity produced in worldwide is used for lighting purpose. Large consumption of electricity will increase the emission of carbon dioxide, which is dangerous to earth. In order to avoid this, you have to choose energy efficient and eco-friendly lighting options. Eco-friendly lighting options will reduce the usage of electricity and will help you to save your money. Here we are going to discuss some eco-friendly options that are suitable for both homes and commercial premises.


CFLs are great options when compare with incandescent lamps, that consume lots of energy. CFLs are a bit costlier, but CFL uses one-third of electricity utilized by an incandescent lamp. They have a long life span when compared with incandescent lamps. They work nearly 10000 hrs.CFL releases a small amount of heat and therefore they will help in maintaining your room temperature. CFLs are available in different sizes and shapes, so you can easily select fixtures that are suitable for your premises.


LEDs are considered as the most energy saving bulbs available in the market. They are the only energy efficient option that does not rely on mercury vapours. LEDs are a little bit costlier when compare with CFL, but they can last four times as CFLs. This attracts more people towards LEDs. An LED bulb can reduce energy consumption by 80-90% per cent. If you are looking for an energy efficient eco-friendly bulb, then LEDs are the best option for you.


The alternate option is halogen bulbs. Halogen bulbs can produce whiter and brighter light. That is why they are commonly used for accent lighting. Halogen bulbs have some disadvantages too. They emit a large amount of heat. So you have to use some special fixtures with halogen bulbs.

4.Materials of fixtures

While choosing a fixture give special care to choose lighting fixtures made up of natural, recycled or reused products. These kinds of products are environmental-friendly and safe to use.

5.Disposable bulbs

Lamps like CFL and fluorescent lamps last for a long time but they contain mercury vapours in it. These mercury vapours are harmful to the earth. Mercury vapours will remain for a long time and cause environmental pollution. So the best option is selecting LEDs. LED does not rely on mercury vapours. This makes LEDs safer. But you should give extra care to dispose it properly.

The article will continue in the next part. In the meantime for any enquiries regarding lighting don’t hesitate to contact us on LET Design Lighting consultants.