
Ambient Monitoring

Is your thermostat lying to you?

Why Choose AHGT?

Our loggers don’t just get the job done, they simplify the job from start to finish. It means you can keep your eyes off the thermostat and on more critical tasks.


Mobile notifications via phone calls, texts, and emails, let you know when the environment has experienced a concerning change, so your mind can be on tasks more important than numbers involving your HVAC.


With cloud based monitoring, your data goes with you. All you need is a web accessible device in order to access your account via either the online portal or our DicksonOne App available on both iTunes and Google Play.


With temperature mapping you're able to recognize every hot and cold zone that could impact your ambient conditions, so you can be confident your products are placed in the safest spot in the appropriate environment.

Let's Simplify Ambient Monitoring

Know your environment, whether it’s because the weather shifted, or because the power went out.
or Call


Affirm Your Ambient

The DicksonOne system lets you automatically send mobile alerts to the right people when the environment goes out of range, so they can stop spoilage before it starts. And, with our replaceable sensors, you can keep your device calibrated without facing downtime.


With a AHGT Touchscreen, you’ll be armed with all the data you need right at your ngertips. Whether you’re in need of today’s data, or last week’s data, you can get it with a pinch, in a pinch. And, with a DicksonOne enabled unit, you can access all of your data anywhere, anytime.

There’s a Map to Every Destination

Our services division offers in house mapping to ensure that your validation qualifications are met and everything is working as defined. It’ll keep auditors off your back and help you keep moving forward.