
Our Services

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Design Conceptualization

The quality control of each project starts with impeccable documentation. Development drawings and specifications and based on the needs of each project, we can tailor our services to include the level of details required. Usually this includes coordinated lighting plans and details, lighting fixture schedules and catalog cuts, channel schedules showing control information, and complete specifications.

Design Development

The quality control of each project starts with impeccable documentation. Development drawings and specifications and based on the needs of each project, we can tailor our services to include the level of details required. Usually this includes coordinated lighting plans and details, lighting fixture schedules and catalog cuts, channel schedules showing control information, and complete specifications.

Construction Documentation

From the simple review of current Construction Documentation to the complete creation of an issued set of plans and specifications, our services are designed to answer all questions that a Contractor or Lighting Supplier may have

Construction Administration

We take a pro-active approach during construction to ensure the design we documented is indeed what is getting built. We start our Construction Administration process by walking the Contractors through each plan in detail to ensure they fully understand the critical lighting elements and we end with an Aim & Adjust session where we instruct the contractor where to aim each fixture, and what dimming levels are to be set. We also ensure that the Owner is fully trained on the lighting systems by the manufacturers.

Our Projects

Let Design Lighting Consultants has been part of some of the world’s most prestigious architectural projects. Be it hotels or office buildings or residences, our lighting concepts is widely recognized. A few of our projects and associate projects are outlined below

